Monday, September 2, 2013

Fashion Fever Strikes Again

September 2, 2013 – Fashion Fever Strikes Again

Fashion fever has struck another member of the Thompson household.  That would be my handsome husband.  In the photo, he’s modeling his 1950s vintage tuxedo.  This is a beautifully made suit that he purchased in Paris while he was working there for the U.S. government six decades ago.  I thought we’d given it away to Goodwill, but he must have extracted it from the donation pile and hidden it at the back of his closet.  With his recent weight loss, the tuxedo actually fits him again.  So this is what he’ll wear when he walks Elisa down the aisle.   

As for those black patent peep toe high heels that I was contemplating….  Thanks to all of you who advised me to get the shoes, I went back to DSW and tried them on again.  I didn’t get them that day, but I went back to the store the following day, tried them on yet again, and finally overcame my lingering doubts.  I still felt some twinges of insecurity when I brought them into the house, and I didn’t dare show them to Elliott at first.  I was afraid he’d voice his disapproval.  They were going to be my “secret” shoes.  However, when we were talking to Elisa on the phone this morning, she asked if I’d bought the shoes.  Once my secret was out, Elliott was curious.  I had to model the shoes for him right away, and to my surprise, he was very complimentary.  Now I have to plan an occasion to wear them out in public.  

(photograph of my reflection in the mirror)

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