Friday, December 28, 2012

The Case of the Unwelcome Leftovers

Friday, December 28, 2012 – The Case of the Unwelcome Leftovers

One of my ongoing domestic problems is overproduction in the kitchen.  Although it’s usually just the two of us eating at home, I tend to cook for a family of six.  Last night is a perfect example.  I tried a new recipe, Squash and Artichoke Paella, that had recently appeared in the Food section of The Washington Post.  It was part of the special Cooking for One column.  According to the author, the recipe made only 1-2 servings.  Since I had invited our friend Judy to join us for dinner, I decided I’d better increase the recipe.  At first, I was going to triple it, but at the last minute I decided to double it instead.  If there wasn’t enough to eat, I could always make an extra-big salad.  

Well, I shouldn’t have worried.  Doubling the recipe resulted in a lot more than 2-4 servings.  Even after Judy and I had second helpings (it was really delicious!), more than half the paella was left.  It is now sitting in my refrigerator.  I’ll serve it tonight, but after that, any remaining leftovers will be much less appealing.  I’ve given up trying to get Elliott to eat anything for more than two nights in a row.  Since the idea of throwing out perfectly good food goes against my upbringing and my values, I’ll end up picking at it the following day, eating a little directly from the container, while most of it will hover in the refrigerator, hiding behind a wall of ziplock bags stuffed with half lemons and limes and jars of pickles and peanut butter.  By the time I remember its existence, it will have grown some very interesting colors of mold. 

So, I’ve come up with two possible solutions to the leftover problem.  I can either cook in smaller quantities, or I can invite several people to dinner every night.  In either case, I’m looking forward to declaring my kitchen a Leftover-Free Zone in 2013. 

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